Submit A Site
If you have an LDS Church related website that you would like to have listed free on you can submit it using the form below.
Please provide Your Name; the Site Name; the LDS Stores category (if a business); a short Description of the site; the URL; and your Email address.
After entering the information click the Submit button. I will review the submitted website and consider it for inclusion. Your site will appear on the appropriate page listed in the Directory. Business websites will appear on the "LDS Online Stores and Services" page in the chosen category. I would appreciate a reciprocal link back to my site if appropriate.
See below if you would like to advertise your LDS related business with a banner ad on the "LDS Online Stores and Services" page for a small monthly fee.

Advertise Here!
Text listings on all pages of this web site, including the "LDS Online Stores and Services" page, are free. However, if you would like a little extra exposure for your LDS-related business you can add an advertisement banner in the "Featured Sites" section of the category related to your product for a small monthly fee.
The "LDS Online Stores and Services" page receives over a thousand hits per day of people shopping for LDS related products has been on the web for over 25 years now, and will continue to be a presence for years to come. When customers click on the desired category on the Online Stores page the first thing they will see are the banner ads for that category followed by the text links. (eg. See Clothing)

If your site does not already have a text listing, please fill out your information into the Form below, indicating which category on the LDS Stores page you would like your text listing to appear. In addition to that information, indicate on the form that you would like to advertise your business with a banner. After entering the information click the Submit Form button. will only list businesses or web sites that are related in some way to LDS interests. Your web site will be reviewed and considered for inclusion. After receiving notification that your site has been approved, you can then send by email your web site banner image, or a link to the image. It will be placed in the "Featured Sites" section of the appropriate category on the "LDS Online Stores and Sevices" page for one week, after which payment should be receive from you for the first month. If payment is not received after the first week the banner will be removed. A text link to your approved site will be placed in the appropriate section of that page for free even if you don't purchase advertising space.
If your site already has a text listing on the page just send an Email   indicating you would like to purchase advertisement with a banner ad. Include your banner in the Email.
Look at the other banners already on the "LDS Online Stores" page to get an idea of what is acceptable. The size of your banner may have to be adjusted slightly to fit the available space. Let me know if you need help creating a banner. All advertisements will be limited to the "LDS Stores" page only of the website. The position of the banners will be periodically rotated in the "Featured Sites" section in each Category.
The monthly fee for displaying your banner on the "LDS Online Stores and Services" page is $25.00(USD) per month, paid monthly (or $120 for 6 months, or $200 per year). This amount is less than half of the lowest fee charged for the same service on other websites. Payment can be made through PayPal (prefered) or you can send a money order. As soon as payment is received your banner will continue to appear in the "Featured Sites" section of the chosen Category for one month. You will receive reminders monthly when the next payment is due. There are no contracts involved or refunds given in this service. As long as monthly payments are made your banner will remain on the page.
Please send an Email or use the form below if you have any questions. Thank you.

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